4 pork chops, (at least 1" thick)
Makes 4 Servings Recipe from Chatelaine Cook Book
Trim the fat from the chops and nick the edges in several places to keep then from curling during cooking. Heat the oil in a large frying pan that has a tight fitting lid. Add the chops and cook over med. high heat until golden brown on both sides. Drain off the fat. Add 1 cup orange juice, seasonings and Worcestershire sauce to the frying pan. Cover and simmer over low heat for 45 min. Turn the chops. Add remaining orange juice and scatter the dried fruit around the chops. Making sure the fruit is covered with the liquid. Taste the sauce and add more seasonings, if you like. Cover tightly and continue simmering for 25 to 30 min. until the chops and fruit are tender. Stir occasionally. Remove the chops to a platter. Surround with the cooked fruit. Blend the cornstarch with a couple of tbsp. cold water until smooth. Stir into the sauce in the frying pan and boil, stirring constantly until thickened, about 3 min. Pour the sauce over the chops and fruit and serve with steamed rice. |