Fish Goes a long way to providing energy in your diet.
If every calorie counts, stick to low fat fish, such as sole or haddock,
and poach, bake or microwave it with a sprinkling of fresh herbs.
A 3 1/2 oz. sole fillet for example, reel in 15g. of protein - more
than one third of a woman's daily requirement.
Here's a nutritional breakdown and what to look for in your choosing
for may of the fish you'll find at your local market.
Boston Bluefish |
A cross between cod and haddock. Dry and firm. Very versatile. |
Cod (Scrod) |
Mild. Firm and milky white. Adapts to all cooking methods. |
Grouper |
Sweet. Lean and firm. Skin before cooking. Tastes great broiled, and in chowders. |
Haddock |
Flavorful but delicate. Lean. Perfect for elegant sauces. |
Halibut |
Extremely flavorful. Fine, milky white. Good poached in milk. |
Mackerel |
Rich and soft. Excellent smoked. Cook with tomatoes, wine or Dijon mustard. |
Pickerel |
Wonderfully sweet. Firm. Idea for steaming or baking whole. |
Rainbow Trout |
Delicate, moist and soft. Great for pan frying or baking. |
Red Snapper |
Excellent full flavor. Large fish can be coarse. Good stuffed and baked. |
Salmon |
Firm. Pink to red in color. Needs few fixings. |
Shark |
Mild; can be sweet, coarse and meaty. Good broiled, with wine or soy sauces. |
Skate |
Delicate, sweet and firm. Taste like scallops. Sauté in butter. |
Sole |
Delicate and lean - don't deep fry. |
Swordfish |
Similar to shark. Rich. Firm yet tender. Good with seasoned butter, soy sauce. |
Tuna |
White meat is finest. Firm and moist. Particularly good pan fried and broiled. |
Turbot |
Mild, delicate. Fine and firm. Excellent with mild creamy sauces. |