1 cup ground suet
Makes 8 to 10 Servings Recipe from Appeal Magazine |
Mix all ingredients except eggs and brandy until well blended; use your hands if necessary. Stir in eggs and brandy. Pour into lightly greased pudding mold or basin (or a coffee tin) and cover top with a piece of greased foil and clean cloth. Tie coverings tightly and leave strings to assist in removing from the pot later. Place on rack in pot with boiling water 2/3 way up the side of the basin. Boil gently for 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Remove carefully from cooled water, using strings. Cool completely and store in a cool place (or the refrigerator) until Christmas. To serve, reheat unmolded pudding by steaming or wrap in foil and reheat gently in oven. Invert onto serving platter; set aflame, if desired, with brandy and insert holly in top. Serve with whipped cream or brandied hard sauce. |