Buying Beans

Avoid soft, broken or wrinkled dried beans.  Pick ones that are uniform in color and shape.  Many Varieties of cooked beans are sold in cans, including chick-peas, lima beans and kidney beans.  You just drain them and rinse before using.


Place the beans in a sieve and rinse with cold running water until the water runs clear.  Soaking gives the beans a chance to reabsorb water lost during drying.  Rehydated, they take 1 to 3 hours to cook depending on the bean.  Without soaking, the beans need 1 to 2 hours more cooking and about twice the liquid called for in most recipes. 

Short Soak Method
Place the beans in a large saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to a boil and boil, uncovered, for 3 min.  Cover the pot, remove from the heat and let stand for 1 hour.  Drain and throw away the soaking water.  Don't leave the beans in the hot soaking water for more than an hour as they may sour.

Long Soak Method
Cover the beans with water and leave at room temperature for 8 hours.  Don't soak too long they'll absorb too much water and become mushy.  Always discard the soaking water.


Put presoaked beans in a saucepan with enough water or other liquid to keep them covered during the cooking. (Beans double to triple in size during cooking; 2 to 3" of liquid over the beans should be sufficient.)  Add about 1 tbsp. oil or fat to help keep the water from boiling over, add salt for flavor.  Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer until the beans are tender - from half and hour to 3 hours.  To tell whether they're done, pinch or bite beans; they should feel soft but not mushy.


Beans are usually cooked on top of the stove until almost tender, combined in a bean pot or casserole dish with liquid and seasonings and baked, covered, for 1 to 6 hours, depending on the bean.  To brown the beans, remove the cover, sprinkle the beans with brown sugar and bake another half hour.



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